Briana and I are admirers of each other's work. After art, my second passion is literature, and you see, Briana writes the most incredibly rich wedding ceremonies -- that's how we came to know one another. Because of the little ones, Briana and her family were looking for an indoor location and my new shared space in Northeast Minneapolis was a perfect spot. And I was SO excited to break it in!

I think that any casual observer of my sessions with children might describe the scene using some of the following vocabulary:
Chaos. Running. Yelling. Jumping. Bumping. Wiggling. All. Over. the. Place. Help. Someone Help. Help.This is not Proex, people, this is the real thing. And to be quite honest, sometimes I'm surprised that anything turns out well. But I swear, cameras are magic. Look at this next picture... I bet no one even knew that this moment happened. But it did, for a 4oth of a second, it did, and it was there and it was art. Art is in your family and it happens all the time. Luckily, sometimes some one can catch it.

Here's what Briana just emailed....
Ahhh!!!!! They are amazing!!!!! We are so thrilled with the photos! Matt and I both got tears in our eyes looking through them. Absolutely breathtaking! I can't believe what phenomenal work you do. Incredible! Our parents will be absolutely thrilled. Thank you so much!
Kaisie & I have spoken on the phone several times asking each other to look at certain pictures - and ooohing and ahhing over them. We're all really delighted. She keeps saying how incredible it is that you got such amazing shots of Elliott, since he barely cracked a smile or stopped moving the whole time we were there. And you really captured Oliver's joyful energy & enthusiastic spirit. And Sami's wide-eyed wonder. Beautiful!
And all I want to do is gaze more at these beautiful pictures. But I SHOULD go to bed so I can be awake enough to make them breakfast in the morning.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!! You've given us an amazing gift we will treasure always.
And if you are looking for a wedding officiant, visit Briana's